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Education Abroad & Study in America Degree Modification Request

Important Information

Before making your request, please review your degree plan carefully and identify where your elective is scheduled to be taken and what the change will mean if you were to take the elective(s) during the summer months for Education Abroad or Study in America. You should do this before scheduling a pre-application interview with the Education Abroad Program.

This acknowledgment page is in addition to the Texas State Study in America/Education Abroad Student Advising Form for Social Work (SOWK) Faculty-Led Programs. Confirm your understanding of the following policies below.


• If you receive Federal Financial Aid only academic courses that are required/count toward your degree are eligible to receive federal funding. *
• If the Study in America/Texas State Education Abroad SOWK Faculty-Led Program you are interested in requires six (6) academic credit hours, and your degree plan outlines one (1) three (3) hour elective course, only one course will be utilized to satisfy degree requirements. *
•If your degree plan outlines six (6) academic credit hours of electives, and the Study in America/Texas State Education Abroad SOWK Faculty-Led Program you are interested in requires six (6) academic credit hours, then upon successful registration for the Education Abroad courses a petition will be initiated by the MSW Director to the Graduate College to ask for the courses to be utilized in satisfying degree requirements upon successful course completion. *
•I understand that I am requesting a one-time degree modification to participate in a Study in America/Texas State Education Abroad SOWK Faculty-Led Program for a specific summer term. *
Select the Study in America/Texas State Education Abroad SOWK Faculty-Led Program in which you will participate. *
I understand that if I do not participate in the Study in America/Texas State Education Abroad SOWK Faculty-Led Program for the semester and year I have identified I must complete the required elective(s) before entering final field. *
Identify the course(s) that correspond to the Study in America/ Texas State Education Abroad SOWK Faculty-Led Program in which you will participate and for which you will register. *
May be repeated once for additional credit.
Offered during Summer I session.
Occurs during Summer II session.
Communication will only be sent to your Texas State Email

Acknowledgement *
You have thoroughly read the information provided on this page.